Alexander Pope III

Fictitious Life

You have a husband

I have a wife

Yet we desire for little wildness in life

Let’s live a fictitious life


I will be your husband

You will be my lovely wife

We will live larger than life

In this fictitious life


I will be a Poet

You a gardener

Life will be a mix of lot of soft feelings with no hardener

In this fictitious life


I will write poems for you

You will bloom roses for me

We will never care for thee

In this fictitious life


In summers we will pack bags

With Poles and flags

On top of the mountain will be our hut made of sandbags

 In this fictitious life


I will run long in the Morning

You will sleep long in the afternoon

At night we will just adore moon

In this fictitious life


We will listen to hip hop songs

Will read and write books to set correct social wrong

We will stand by the needy lifelong

In this fictitious life


I will be weak

You will strong

To each other forever, we will belong

In this fictitious life


We will drive to faraway lands

Speak language we do not understand

Will never leave each other\'s hand

In this fictitious life


I will find medicine of joy for you

You will daily sing something new

We will have more happiness than we may chew

In this fictitious life


Our kids will be nerds

But they will run after birds

They will be  magician with words

In this fictitious life


Together we will grow old

I will be shy, you will be bold

Cause of humanity we will uphold

In this fictitious life



We will celebrate all festivals

And believe in no one faith

And stop forever the interfaith strife

In this fictitious life


Every injustice we will uproot

Every cruelty we will mute

Freedom will be absolute

In this fictitious life


If not this

We will meet in the next life

To live as Husband and wife

And rejoice together in real life