Black hole

Death created by people, not the nature

What if everything falls apart?
Your room with suddenly a hole
A hole you couldn\'t imagine in the first place
Blood coming through it
Necessary to escape
To keep living

Before the room is filled with blood
Drowning otherwise unavoidable
Choking on the blood
No future to live
Only death looking into your eyes
A death not created from nature but from people
Not neccesary to exist

The hole is only the beginning
A whole wall will go out
Only because the neightbors need expansion
The cost doesn\'t matter
Only more space
Unlikely the only reason

The blood can\'t get erased
Blood sticking to the walls 
Not forgiven or forgotten
A sacrifice not worthy to be made

Beautiful, nice people..
Turning the brightness of the world to a lower level
Every life counts
Don\'t made to be played with
If you aren\'t happy with the world it doesn\'t mean everyone needs to be unhappy about it
Let everyone live their lives

Everyone has their bad and good side
That doesn\'t mean both sides needs to be used
It\'s possible to live in a world without different levels of oxygen
It\'s possible to be happy with small things
No room expansions needed
Bigger things doesn\'t mean it will also create more happiness 
The only things that matter is the love you give everyone
And the love you get from people
Nothing more
Just that