Your Lies

You said you want me stay, 
We will stick together like a clay.
You said you love me,
And I am your one and only.


You said we will build our own family,
And that I will never be lonely.
You said you will treat me like a queen,
I will be envied by my kin.


You said I will be your friend and lover,
Until this world is over.
You said you will fill my heart with laughter,
Until we grow old together.


Suddenly, you said you don\'t need me,
Because a son I cannot give thee!
You said we have to leave,
All we can do is weep.


Now, you said, \"I saw my daughter on the news.\"
\"I heard she brought some good news.\"
Now that my daughter is doing well,
You said, \"I am her father as well.\"