
Crumbs of Comfort

Tune: Wiltshire

(\'Through all the changing scenes of life\')

Matthew 15 v.21-28


Help us, Lord, humbly to approach

You, you will not reproach

They who unto you sincere come

Find you their hearth hand home


As Syro-Phoenician woman

Came to you one day then

Meekly as little dog* did count

Herself, found blessings fount


She asked you to have mercy on

Her, you God\'s only Son

For her daughter was afflicted

Devil drove her to bed


But you, Lord, said, It is not good

Bread cast to dogs, We should

First feed my people Israel

In that we shall do well


And she replied, Yes, Lord, yet e\'en

The dogs, it is sure seen

Under the table they do eat

Crumbs at your people\'s feet


It was great faith shown, the Lord said

He with that bread her fed

Said, It will be even as you

Will, daughter was healed true


* Jesus\' words to the woman of being a \'dog\' are not

as harsh as may first seem. Some references say that 

he meant a little pet dog.