Narayan Gadagkar

Being a part and falling apart

Thousand  years ago both trace to Kievan Rus

Fell apart with Mongol invasion  thus

Three hundred years  later

You  were a part under Czar regime


For more than  three centuries

Part of Grand Duchy  Lithuania and Poland

Then apart from Polish reign

Contested region of shifting borders.


 Ruled by Catherine the Great

 Seven decades since then

 Part of  whole Soviet Union

 Under Lenin and Stalin.


Part of Allies for the world war

Fought with Axis power  together


Three decades have passed then

                                  With Glasnost Perestroika spin                                         

Moved apart in nineteen ninety-one

with the  collapse of Soviet Union.


Emotional tug of nationalism

Destiny toggled between

Getting Intertwined and separated.

Borderlines faded and reappeared

During falling apart and being a part

Innocent lives are lost.

                          …………Narayan Gadagkar