A.D. Small



( dedicated to my husband not by law but by Jesus dammit)

In this ugly ass world....
If I lost you I would die too.
You are my entire being maybe even more.
My life... my rock... my core.
You are my son\'s father and he loves you to death 
what would it do to him if you took your last breath
You are his biggest hero and fan
For the last 10 years you helped me teach him to be a man
You helped me read him stories
And always a kiss on both cheeks
You helped me with all the glories
And the tears on his cheeks
You taught him how to hit a toilet bowl
And how to catch his first fish
I taught him to love with all his soul
And to cook his first dish
To never run with scissors
Or throw a ball at your mom\'s face
Oh my God when he said he wanted to train lizards
Or his passion to go into outer space
His hopes his dreams and his fears as well
He\'s never gotten a chance to say
Or even try to scream or yell
That he just wanted his parents sober today

A.D. Small
April 20, 2020

(yes that was intentional)