Young Flizo AKA Flizo Shakir

Water; Be Water Yo . . .

Be the water yo, 

Flow like the bodies of the waters,

And be as powerful as the ocean currents,

Move fluent, be cool,

Be warm, be moved,

Be the water yo.



That means Express yourself in different ways,

Rain, sleet, ice, hail or snow,

Is all water just in a different phase,

Be the water yo.



Apply pressure when needed,

Water is the reason why ya fruit comes seeded, 


Let the water touch ya feet,

The energy nature gives when you connect is full of treats.



Be the water yo,

Water helps you grow because you a plant,

Water is ya wisdom without a doubt,

So pour ya wisdom on the children and watch them sprout,

Be the water yo.



Besides we all come from a wound full of water,

That\'s what ya vessel is made out of,

When you a baby ya body is 80% water,

When you grown ya body is 60% water,

Water sustains us and gives us balance and order,

Water; Just be the water yo ...
