Ardhendu Pal

The War Zone Trivia

War Zone Trivia 


In the wake of war all war lover 

Scopes of peace talk are already over

The war machines and guns takeover 

Cry, pain, loss, destruction is leftover 


Oh! Human, humanity came from human

Is this the proof of being race superior 

Only manufacturers of weapons gains

They feed on the human pains 


Peace is a necessity neither just an option 

Humanity at loss requires immediate redemption 

Individuals loosing cordial connection

War is just a murder of all relation 


Pathetic are those who advocate the barbarians 

More deplorable are the suppliers of weapons 

Till the last arm remains

That\'ll sing melancholic strains 


To find the reason do we ever try

What made emotions go desert dry

Oh! Weapons manufacturers scavengers 

Listen carefully what you hear is only cry cry and cry


What about the earth What are you making it

What about relationships why are you faking it

What about humanitarianism why are you destroying it

Even after all these Oh! Human you\'re justifying it


Remember the day when you were just born

Remember those happiness you shared with loved ones 

Remember those cosy moments with your partner begone 

Do you ever think what legacies are we leaving on 


Leaving behind rivers of bloodshed strained human existence 

The generations after generations bound to pay remittances 

The scars the loss the orphaned kids the widowed women

Are all repercussions of chucklesome benightedness of few men


While we sit back and calculate juxtapositions of proportions

All we could outcrop is a world filled with ego superimposition 

Associated with iron brass and lead which path do we lead

Oh! Human it\'s only humanity that suffers humans that bleed 


Can there be an amalgamation of all human on one idea

Can all the world\'s boundaries see disarmament one day

Can\'t we put aside the differences just for the sake of future 

Can\'t we love everyone and be loved by everyone for God\'s sake 


©️ Ardhendu Pal