

Sleeping\'s important

That\'s what they say

At least 8 hours

Or else you\'ll pay


Head will feel heavy

Eyes look so dim

You\'ll end up flabby

Instead of so trim


Sleep I must get

Need to have some

Noisy Bird\'s in transit

At 4 he will come


I\'ll count the sheep

Passing through the gate

Oh no still counting

It\'s 800 and 8!


Tossing this way

Look up at the ceiling

I\'m going to give up

Go back to my reading


\'Once upon a time

This very handsome prinz

Met a beautif..........\'

Hello? Hello? zzzzzzzzzzz


    * * * * * * * * * *

NB: \'Prinz\' is a German title that translates into English as \'prince\'.


Insomnia is common especially as we age. I have tried many remedies without much success yet.