I am a kaleidoscope of discovery I change colours red green and blue.
I colour the seas and I colour the skies and I and create the panoramic view.
I am the vision in a cloud. I am there in every sound. Reflecting colours green and yellow.
I am the real thing. I am summer I am spring. You can hear my whisper as I more with the wind.
With every breath of every breeze I make the quiver of the leaves. Just listen to the silence as I guide you through your darkness.
Human activities are interrupting my plan and changing the elements of the work I began. I have to move faster to avoid the disaster and show them the best way I can.
I am nature, the creator. I am not hard to find. I am there everywhere as I beckon to mankind.
Let us work united as we continue with a plan to clean the air and clean the seas. It is the duty of every man.
..... end .....