
Me in the Sea

I will wash tears in my eyes down into shadows pulling you out only for the days that remind you there are those who are still kind
I look and I do not find
No where can I go since there be none to follow me who would give me their time to try to know
And so out pours the tears
Years and the years
One should find care 
There is no heart that can’t, just too many won’t 
I am not unusual 
The only difference is my care keeps track 
And I write with my water since there is no truer ink that means more to me, I mean,
I write everything meaningful with my finger dipped in my own tears
There is nothing that will stain deeper as the sharpest memory, coming out of a visceral viscosity like tears for ink
Years in this way 
I write it out of no more than my mathematical brain combined with how I feel 
My heart is beating out 6
My finger on the air can only get out 2 
Then the division is clear and true 
Next time I get 7
What here that tell? 
Ah I see I missed time today 
Ah well,
Out a tear too many that time I guess
Must be that I went too long without? 
A day later the answer has meant I saw true 
3 is what it should have been at first, not 2
One is for me and one is for you
One tear across beats is for us
Just for us,
Me and the one I have not found