
If you ...

If you were my sunflower, I\'d be your sun

For you to shine when I pass by

I\'ll shine my light on you

For you to look bright


If you were my night, I\'d be your moon

For you to see in the gloom

I\'ll be your speed caution

For you to contend with your motion


If you were my island, I\'d be your sea

For relaxation it\'d be 

I\'ll make my water move around your sand

For you\'re all that complete me


If you were a love oath, I\'d be your time

Staying with you like your last dime

I\'ll make our time worthy

Loving you till we grow less toothy 


If I were an artist, of paint pictures of you across the world

For only you, will be my world

Pictures of you I won\'t stop to paint

Your pictures will be my world 


If I were a musician, for you I\'d sing a song

A song telling about you for long

I\'ll song melodies to your ears

Melodies to cast away your fears


If I were an actor, you\'d be my stage

Performing for a lifetime forgetting about our age

I\'ll love you in every movie I partake 

For you, my acting I won\'t fake


If I were a poet, I\'d write a poem 

Describing you as a rare gem

A sonnet I\'ll write for you

To tell you how much I love you


If I were an author, our story I\'d write 

Not changing the wrongs for right

A story to keep us alive

A story of us that spread love around