

Growing up I had many friends,most were my cousins the perfect blend.

Back then I elders helped raised us all,but now our generation don\'t even give them a call.

The word LIE was considered a curse word you better not say,because if you did you got your mouth rinsed out with soap,lol our aunts didn\'t play.

We\'d stay outside and play all day.Red rover,hide and seek,mother may I,explored through the woods,until the street light came on that meant time to go inside and stay.

Living between my grandfather and grandmother was the best part of my growing up,climbing the trees just so my grandfather come get me yelling CAT!Get down before you get stuck!

My great grandmother had the best stories to tell from when she a child,like what all they did being rebellious and wild.

The older generation raised us right and taught us respect,they gave the best love it was never any neglect.

How I miss how things were way back then when life was fun and everyone was happy,and free.Most of our elders have passed,but they live in my heart and I will have all the good memories...