
Covenant Concerns

Tune: Bleanwern

(\'Lord, who in they perfect wisdom\'

= \'Love divine, all loves excelling\')

Hebrews 8 v.7-12

For St David\'s Day: March 1.


The Lord God a new covenant

Did He make, was His intent

He said, Behold, not according

To old, but new I shall bring

For they of past times continued

Not in it, though I them led

But a new thing I will bring sure

To all folk of every shore


This is the covenant that I

Will make with my people, nigh

To them I shall be, e\'en within

By my spirit, he from sin

Will them cleanse and will too forgive

In my presence they shall live

I will put my laws in their minds

[And] Wrote on their hearts each shall find


And I to them a God shall be

They shall be my people, see

Not always knowing me through man

But direct approach they can

To me, for they all show know me

From least to great, serve me free

I will be to them merciful

To their unrighteousness all


And their sins and their lawless deeds

I will forgive, not them heed

I will remember them no more

Put them from my sight for sure

Lord, by your grace we sanctified* (*saint-ified)

Way to life you do provide

Through salvation in your Son, He

Jesus, Saviour of world be