A.D. Small



My soul is completely broken
Tattered and torn to shreds
 angry tears have been spoken
In old lonely beds
As night comes the thoughts come again
And morning does follow
I chase after every demon
But inside I feel hollow 
my soul is very weary
I pray every night for sleep
That leaves me exhausted and dreary
I use my pillow to weep
I beg for dreams to take me
To take me far away from here
Your face is what I want to see
But instead it\'s endless fear
I want to dream of you
Of your love and light
Of your strong embrace too
But instead all I do is fight
I fight these demons instead
Every single night
As soon as I lay down my head
They bust through and take fight
I want to dream of our love
Maybe that will keep the demons away
I pray to the lord above
To bring you home one day

A.D. Small
January 13, 2021