Fay Slimm.








As sinks the cherry-plum sun
a hawk
unleashes his fire
and over naked-elm hill dives,
straight downwards,
hangs in still air momentarily
wide-eyed and loose clawed
raptor then crashes
into a lone sparrow\'s chatter,
writing death warrant
in whitening dusk.


Weight of sudden attack
met success with 
feathered explosion from
battle-high rush
of pitched buckle surprise.

* \"\" *
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

Grieving the slain I then spy
on moth-night\'s
distant and darkling horizon
a mate
~ - 0> almost stationary

in the ether

 - -- -  perhaps waiting 

for brood\'s late feed
she, snatching bait in what
seems frenzy
quickly shoots tree-ward
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

before dark blackens sky

to ebony crystal.


 As sinks the cherry-plum sun

I admit 
that for chicks to exist 
hunger has to be sated and 
hawk\'s display,


by accurate awesome speed 
of nature\'s raw
beauty invites recognition 
for such fearless skill.

~  ~  ~