


people make war and make peace
as if for the sake of justice or malice
then make comments and punishments
as if God make the final judgements

disarmament, and then arms race
what a waste at such crazy rat pace
politicians and economists involve
physics, chemistry and biost to solve
the mystery of war and peace matter
as to why the world riot as a mad hatter
a single physician may give the answer:
it\'s the overdose of adrenalin in human blood  
in need of an outlet, just as the held-up flood

V-DAY  or   D-DAY  

People are celebrating the world over
Dragonboats afire, and smokes hover
with cinder,  prayers choken out of breath
aground mourn the vagrant souls of death

Whose victory, and whose doom
whose conspiracy, in whose room
Why such large scale of madness
and what the root of such sadness
What gain for the superior power
what pain of the suffering neath the tower
How come the wars in the first place
Inquire not the spire but the sinful base

Aren\'t all lives created equal and free
Oughtn\'t we all feed on the life tree
God\'s children, and children of light
Shouldn\'t we share the same right

WHY the disintegration and discrimination
Why the disdain and detain, deportation and exploitation
Why can some hold the other in serfdom
Why the territory, barbed fences round a kingdom

Doctor King sacrificed himself to a dream
wherein no marginal, no mainstream
Shall people die out in martyrdom
Before the world settle in peace and freedom