
The Great War

We humans

Hearts filled with greed

Minds filled with ambitions

Waging war against one another

For a great conquest


For the greater good

To solidify the powerful position 

To be considered more superior than the others


To be remembered by people

To be written in history books

To leave behind a great legacy 


What matters when you are gone

Only to be viewed as an aggressive tyrant

A dictator oblivious to the harm of war

Letting the civilians bear the consequences of your decisions


The soldiers go fight

Lives are lost 

Families are incomplete

Homes are destroyed


Boom explosion everywhere

All the atrocities committed

Bang gunshots fired at anyone 

The innocents suffer


In the 21st century

We are educated in history 

Yet we repeat the same mistakes

When will we learn from it?

That there is nothing great about war 

And we get nothing great from it