
Vindication Valued

Tune: Picardy

(\'Let all mortal flesh keep silent\')

Psalm 74 v.18-23


Remember, Lord, the enemy

Has reproached you sleightingly

And that foolish ones have blasphemed

Your name, unholy it deemed

O deliver me, I your turtle-dove

\'Tis my soul, I trust your love


Give me not over to wicked

So I not deceived, misled

Forget not the congregation

Of the poor of each nation

Have respect unto your covenant

Root our enemy\'s intent


For in the earth\'s secret places

There be violence, disgraces

O let not oppressed be ashamed

But praise you, they have you named

Let poor and needy worship you

Arise, O God, righteous, true


Plead you own cause, O God, recall

How the foolish, taunts and all

With revilings, reproach daily

Your name, they despise it, see

Forget not your enemies, they

Oppose you continually