
A Drop of Dew

Silver droplets over sleeping trees

Sprinkled by an early morning dew 

Winked at me with an alluring smile 

I went outside to ponder for a while


The air, filtered by the rain,

Dispensed blended scent of earth and sky

I stood by the door in warm attire

My sense not giving way to my desire


Autumn chill a canvas had prepared

Where nature with soft brushes was at play

Burning bushes with a blazing glow

Of that fiery edge made wondrous show


Golden leaves of aspen and of birch

Dangled next to maples’ crimson red

Swirling together in angelic dance

Lulling the soul into a dreamy stance


Furtive light of glittering sun rays

Trying to penetrate wandering clouds

Faded in wet leaves without a trace

I beheld the splendor of the embrace


I watched a droplet dangling from a frond

They were united by enduring bond 

I kept watching that ethereal scene

Dreaming of a world calm and serene


A gust of wind travelling from the north

Rocked a feeble branch from side to side

The drop of dew quivered as it swayed

Frightened on the shaking leaf it stayed


A small puddle beckoned from below

“Come and unite with the amorphous blend”

Beguiled it stretched, but recoiled into a ball

It wanted to resist the siren’s call



The wind subsided to a soothing breeze

Harmony was restored to land and sea

The puddle was a lifeless common will

The single drop of dew was dangling still