
I Don\'t Like Tea Drinkers

You’ve got the whole world; in your hands,

so, make sure to make, some real good plans,

but something tells me, that you’ll repeat,

that careless chant, upon your sheet,

where you wear that lanyard, loud and proud,

saying; you have the power, to give out shrouds,

to those who question, your constant gruel,

as you don’t want change, you stir the cruel,

the recurring system, that is man’s folly,

recycled errors, is what makes us jolly,

though you and the multitude, are the active,

you comprise the plague, that is so captive,

“just do, don’t think”, is your life’s motto,

but some of us are screaming in the ghetto,

needing our release, from our own home world,

that you’ve stolen from us, and now have sold

to those highest violent bidders, that stab,

although you may be crying, you are glad,

for you don’t look, when you run with haste

as, all you do, when you do, is waste,

thus, you’re like a tea drinker, who doesn’t finish,

as the last bit they chuck, they always diminish,

any hope; that anything, can be satisfied,

thus, with their ignorance, those tea leaves die,

in a nearby bramble bush, or down the drain,

forget the green, all aboard the plastic train,

you constantly elect, to be a slave to the broken,

where the wisdom of dullards, are brashly spoken,

why not next time, drink the whole damn thing,

as you may well be nourished, enough to bring,

a new thought to your brain, that has been yearning,

to take part, in some actual significant learning,

such as, popular opinion, will always lead to danger,

many people can be wrong, so don’t hate the stranger,

but, sadly, in practice, this is clearly unattainable,

so, I’ll continue to be an agent, that is so disagreeable,

hence, I shall remain, a disgruntled wishful thinker,

who will always say this: I don’t like tea drinkers.