dusk arising

я з тобою україно 

I don\'t remember ever shedding tears over a war before
today i cry over the terrible pictures coming into my life online from Ukraine
so many bloodied people mercilessly maimed and killed
people who look like people in my street and around my town
good ordinary people, peaceful people who just want to get on with their lives
mothers and fathers devastated crying over mutilated bodies of their dead children
bodies burned black laying where they fell caught in the shelling and bombing
injured old people lying in pools of blood in bombed-out apartments unable to get up
these are flesh and blood people like you and me - good people
all ages living in fear of the indiscriminate death machine raining destruction down upon them 
yes i feel their anger and rage - today it is as if i am Ukranian - we are all as one
today humanity weeps

я з тобою україно