
Putin as Vlad the Impaler reincarnate

The latter classified as a voivode

(prince) of Wallachia

(part of modern Romania).

Surrounded by enemies

that included the Hungarians,

the Ottomans, his younger brother,

and Walachian nobility,

Vlad employed extremely

cruel gruesome measures

to inspire fear in those

who opposed him.


He earned his nickname

by impaling his enemies on stakes.


No argument Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

equals and invariably

will outrank Vlad the Impaler

the second son of Vlad Dracul

who became ruler of Wallachia in 1436.


Impossible mission to comprehend

propensity exhibiting characteristics

linkedin as impish, hellish, ghoulish... fiend

whereby pathological pretensions

besotted (punch drunk with delight)

to incinerate, eradicate, annihilate,

essentially to deplorably,

heinously, loathingly... interblend


all manner of atrocious, deleterious,

insidious, opprobrious, vicious... lend

ding his own vainglorious

trademark to offend
Homo sapiens who strive toward

repairing ruptures versus to rend

usurpation of life, liberty
and continuity of civilization to upend.


Worst nightmare scenario

unfolding before our collective eyes

Ukraine suffers blitzkrieg
Russian soldiers devastatingly

carpet bomb major metropolitan areas
civilian population suffers

major loss of innocent lives

linkedin with accompanied

psychological fallout, especially affecting

babies, children and youth.


All commands issued by autocratic monster

probably housed within secure bunker,

meanwhile countless thousands

or millions of battle fatigued people hunker

among ruins gingerly negotiating

their way thru rubble analogous to spelunker.


Though yours truly
removed (think physically),

where chaos and pandemonium
run amuck and terror unruly,

overt rampant upheaval
plagues long established
generations of Slavic peoples,

this commonplace American
vicariously experiences grief

when tragedy viewed
online and/or television
heart wrenching images

also evoke anger being

linkedin to most abominable,
horrible, reprehensible, creatures
that roamed the terrestrial firma
since time immemorial.


Major war crimes against humanity
necessitate urgent punishment,

if in fact such a global entity
exists to condemn and convict
the uncontestable tyrant,
yet never in the annals
of twenty first century
geopolitical webbed zeitgeist
did self anointed totalitarian sovereign
access nuclear weapons
to obliterate great swaths

of fellow Earthlings.