
I’m sorry dad

You were my first heartbreak

The person who was supposed to love me and protect me you broke me the most

You broke my heart before I knew what heartbroken was

And despite the fact that you hurt me and abused me I still loved you because that’s what a daughter does

I don’t know what I did so wrong that one day you chose to shatter my heart more than you have ever shattered it before but let me tell you that I am so terribly sorry

I’m sorry I wasn’t enough for you to love me until the very end and I’m so terribly sorry that I never made you proud

I’m sorry I made you see every dark part of me that I tried so hard to hide but I’m more sorry I had to hide myself from you so you could never hurt me again

You are the reason I have walls built so high I am a prisoner in my own mind

I’m sorry you stopped loving me the way you loved my siblings

I’m sorry that when I looked in your eyes I saw no love

I’m sorry I was the family disappointment

I’m sorry I turned out to be like you

I’m so terribly sorry my life continued when I know you regret me

I’m sorry I wasn’t enough dad

I’m sorry