
A New Day

The gloating howl of rapacious men

Has ravaged silence since the dawn of time

Tears that for millennia drowned the soul

Could never wash the stain of the vile crime


There will come a day when women shed the shame

Of men’s repugnant deed they will not bear the blame

There will come a day when women won’t be prey

Won’t have to yield or bow, that day should be right now


The smirk of men that hide a fearful might

Has disfigured the face of humankind

Women’s cries that have even riled the sky 

Could not cut loose the chains that tightly bind


There will come a day when courage we will find

To cut those odious chains and leave the yoke behind

There will come a day when women won’t be prey

Won’t have to yield or bow, that day should be right now


I wonder whether men will ever learn

How to stand with a woman side by side

On equal terms, all over every land

Not with contempt, but with respect and pride   


There will come a day when men will see the light

Women shed their fear, treat each other right

There will come a day when women will feel safe

Where they may choose to go, that day should be right now


We have travelled all the way to the moon

But on earth we remain a savage breed

We think of women as inferior beings

Created to fulfill our basest need


There will come a day, when all will understand

We were created equal to walk with hand in hand

There will come a day when justice we will seek

Love will teach us how, that day should be right now