

Lights twinkle sorrows wrinkle,
The best memories in the year.
Time to rejoice as December is here ...
Celebrate now and remember forever.

Melodious jingles, magnificient Xmas tree,
Home baked plum cakes for you and me.

Decorations ,bright lights, colorful sights,
Santa\'s gifts  is indeed  everyone\'s delight.

Holidays, being at home with sweetness all around,
with one\'s family only  true happiness is found.

Goodbyes to all fear, when close to dear
More strength within, when doubts get clear.
Hugs, kisses ,snuggles,more love and care,
Cherish the smile when you share.

Christmas....aah not merely a word
not just a community celebration,
It\'s time to express immense gratitude
To Almighty  for blessing life as treasure ocean.

Christmas reminds us giving away your life for others to live happily,
This thought or action doesn\'t come so easily.
It needs you to rise within
This emotion arises when you consider \'other\' as \'o dear\'.