Charles Edward York

Nothing Says Everything



No lover should ever have to ask

Do you love me?

Just as no lover should

Ever have to ask

Can we spend time together?

Such a lover aches

With melancholy

And personal despair

Poor at heart for a long time

Because emptiness says so much

And nothing says everything.


Love dies a slow and painful death

As opposed to flowers

Which whittle away

In a matter of days.

Shock, sadness, anger

And disbelief follow

The gravity of grief

Smashes forever into pieces

Tender truths transform into lies

Resonating explosions

Of romantic annihilation.


You have killed our dream

You with your seductive cutlery

Blades in my back

Arrows buried in my chest

Hands you held

Spill out crimson rivers

Who ran warm for you

Your eyes are for others

Reducing me to

An asphalt soul,

A shattered heart and tears.


Copyright © 2022 Charles Edward York

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