
Why? [*⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️* Certain words in this poem may be upsetting to some]

“More makeup “Less makeup”


“Slim down” “Put some meat on those bones”


“Too short” “Not short enough”


“Too flat” “Too curvy”


“Show more skin” “Cover up”


“Too tall” “Too small”


“Hah, virgin!” “Ew, wh*re!”


“Leave something to the imagination”


“You should smile more”


“Guys won’t like you if you look like that”


“You’ll distract the adults looking like that”


“Get back in the kitchen”


“Do it for the money, not for love”


“Trans women aren’t real women”


“Stop complaining, getting kicked in the balls is way worse!”


“You’re so smart, aren’t you?”


“You’re ______… for a girl”


“Don’t speak your mind”


“Get back in the kitchen”


“Leave the hard work to the men”


“Just sit there and look pretty”


“Better keep her away from me, I might not be able to control my self”


“Can I get a MAN?” “I want someone who knows what they’re doing”









“Your opinion doesn’t matter”




“Know your place”


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