
An ode to thyself

It’s still times

still months to appear

still 24 hours to go 

and seven days to appear



at times to be, 

what you wish to be ?

you have to be,

what you never wanted to be…


is the mind playing tongue twisters?

Is fate like that?


to reach the pinnacle,

the dream to venture at you please

the basics you keep finding;

to tread the path

you must make the road

pave the way for a beautiful destination… 




in those fallen times,

at those dilemmas of mind

Words one usually recite 

to live, does one need crown ?



maybe to stand

maybe to defend

army is needed 

not to reign,

but to protect


maybe to dream,

One needs green papers 

Go seek that few

so tomorrow can be yours !


dream as you wish 

but first get off the clutches of those that hold you aback,

those mocking at your doorstep,

stop giving them replies

just break the cage that kills your dream beside……