kitty the naughty poet

Dark fairytale, twisted fantasy

He is my dark fairytale &

I am his twisted fantasy &

together we make magic come alive


Dark fairytale wolf

bring dreams to life

rope infused with sensual longing

twirl around the skin

binding pleasure with pain

masquerade in seductions magic


Take the rose & use the thorns to torment

scratch love into my essence

sliding tongue with thorns bite

down delicious naked thighs

fighting the explosion within

In the middle of you & me


Twisted fantasy

brought to life in dreams

sensual longing from wanting lips

unspoken infatuation from spoken words

dance around in pleasure’s magic

tapping feet to seductions beat


In the middle of you & me

electrified lust infused with passion

desire written in the air between

unspoken by our words

but known

floating through our veins


Mixing crimson with blush strikes

never touching skin

until hunger overrides pain

between fingers tips & dancing tongues

flesh sweet with sweat

streaming in rivers beads