
What a life!

What a life!


to you signs of life of the wilderness

Should be a great pleasure to witness

When bed-ridden, forbidden for all

Summer time had turned to fall

Golden persimmons and twigs of pine

Arranged in a vase, looking so fine

Like birds’ singing and morning dew

These lust of life would revive you

Glad that life had you in touch

And you would like it very much

But the next day you told me, with annoy

That I should never bring these things over

“For the sweet attracted fruit flies to hover

And the pine needles littered my teapoy

As to the morning dew or birds’ noisy stuff

I  had the windows shut and ears plugged.”

Well, I could,  if you refused to get a life,

Rather be a housekeeper than a housewife



Like dough leavening, The earth is awakening

Spongy under feet, with a crispy crust breaking

grass still earthen but are budding under cover  

Time to go picking shepherd’s purse and clover

Even in severest winter, they are never dead

nursing their energy hidden to start out instead

What a surprise to see them flowering in frost  

To seize the day and hour of life at every cost 

And the clover buds from their perennial roots

Purplish, plump and supple like baby’s hand

I just cannot help picking and picking and picking

The abundance of food from Earth in early spring

But I know it’s not you there returning to this band

Since you passed away only one month ago

And was buried in an urn to a cemetery tomb

predetermined not to return to Earth’s womb


The azure of heaven, the evergreen pines

The first plums and magnolias is abloom

Life is so heart-wrenchingly beautiful

How dare you not to love it but betray