
the storm

The Storm

It’s coming

The air is filled with the smell of rain

The wind whips around the branches of the trees

The squirrels rush into their nest

Hold their young close

The birds halt their songs and pray for the best

All beings are hiding

Or at least most

Some don’t hide

Or can’t

Maybe they have nowhere to go

Or maybe their eyes are clouded over

Their senses dulled

Dulled by years of ignoring 

The growing threat 


Hoping the storm will just 



But it’s not going to, is it?

It’s here

It’s already beginning to take




Lost to it’s winds



But hope

That has not been lost

Not yet 

We hold it tight 

Clutching it as the storm closes in


But we cannot just weather this storm 

Hiding away in our houses

Because this storm is not a normal storm

It is not a natural disaster

Far from it

It’s winds are not fueled by convection,

But cruelty

Not the shifting of air

But the colonialism,

The slavery,

The corporate greed

It’s an unnatural disaster

And It won’t just pass over


We waited to long

And now we will pay the price

For the storm is coming