
Standing on the Precipice

So there I was, standing on the precipice, leaning over the edge of nothingness, Vexed by the hands of time, Staring into the eyes of that vertiginous abyss, Where the light never shines and the darkness prevails, I had created my own prison and never have I felt so frail, so empty, and so alone, I was barely hanging on, like a piece of thread on an old sweater that you’ll never wear, Just there, hanging in the dark, collecting dust, Cause you won’t let it go, Thats how I felt about life, I forgot what it was like to care, So I’d just shut my eyes to avoid the shame and guilt, Until I stood there on the edge, on the foot of that precipice, Hanging by a thread, alone, and overwhelmed with dread, And thought about my girl, our babies, and how they’d feel if I gave up and let go, What kind of example would I have set? So in that moment I made a choice - To never accept defeat, for myself and for them