Alexander Pope III

Garden Swing

I have seen many winters and many springs

But my mind is not clear on anything

This spring I saw a beauty by a swing

There are no words to match the feeling


She is blue bird  flying in a different sky

Her every pic hits bull’s eye

Her smile opens my mind’s eye

I will disguise as wind and push her swing


When she stands by flower

My heart pumps nuclear power

My mind fails to balance that power

In happiness, I sing and want to touch her swing


I like the way she moves her eyes and lips

Style oozes from her fingertips

I do not want to come out of her grips

From winter to spring, I like to see her on the swing


I want to watch her daily and let my years fly

If I am lucky I will travel with her to New York and Shanghai

In the plane of every Airline, we will fly

And watch that magical swing from the sky


 My road may be hard and long

To me, she may not entirely belong

But I will admire her lifelong

One day in her swing, she will reminisce my song


Lucky are those who watch her sleep

I am happy to listen to her thoughts always so deep

Many consider my admiration for her grossly cheap

But I naturally feel the joy when her swing leap


A goddess by the swing

All the memory she bring

No pain can ever sting

Her  beauty gives a new dimension even to lifeless swing