
Sincere Seeking

Tune: Hereford

(\'O thou who camest from above\')


Inspire me, Lord, where dull or dry

I look to you, to you I cry

Revive me, heal me, bring me light

Refresh me, I in you delight


Show your ways, plan, what be your hand

Your guide your people in each land

Help me the fallow ground to turn

Ignite flame in me, and bright burh


And too your Spirit, waters flow

From well within me, may I know

Your presence close, and e\'en within

To guard and bless and cleanse from sin


Whate\'er the season help me look

Unto you, you not me forsook

Not mere resolve of man it be

But leading of your Spirit, see


I be not aimless, not forgot

You have for me a pleasant lot

And plans, purposed for us all

Help us to seek you, on you call


This from my heart and mind I pray

Guide us all in your light of day

Leaving the darkness, no profit

But you the way through life have lit


Taking measure of faith, each one

Given to us by you, the Son

To do our part, here none worthless

In your love and grace each you bless