Chris Duffy


Booze, we used to be friends I never thought you’d leave me this way
I counted on you to make me feel good instead you went and darkened my day
Booze, you gave me a feeling that nobody could stamp out my fire.
Booze you left me reeling, sinking me then getting me higher.

You dropped me like a stone, took me far from home, so far away from those I really miss.
You taught me not to care, a weekend millionaire, then multiplied my troubles with your kiss.
Drink, I chose not to think about what was lurking just round the bend.
You promised good times, the spirits and wines, they ‘ve become my fair weather friends.

Booze, your bright city lights, only serve to invite the antidote to living in fear.
Rinsing me, unflinchingly, convincing me that the answers lay in spirits and beer.
Wine, we had a good time, and life was just fine, until you brought me back to my fears.
She hung up the phone and now that she’s gone, I’m left here with a glass full of tears.

Drink, I’m beginning to sink, in a sadness that lies deep in my soul.
When I’m out with the boys, you drown out the noise but never stop me losing control.
I wake up in the morning and you’re gone, leaving me to suffer without my long lost friend.
Say we’ll be reunited as I reach the journey’s end,
Drink my melancholy friend.

Booze, you taught me to lose all the things I valued in life
The plans that I made, you want me to trade for my home, my children, and my wife.
But tonight we’ve got each other, tonight you are my friend.
Both trying to discover and reach a rainbow’s end, both of us with nothing to lose……
We’ll always have each other as my erstwhile part time lover ………Booze.