
Les Mis Took Me.

There it was on the television,

The most memorable musical of all.

My wife and I saw it live

Many years ago,

The tears streamed from our eyes,

And the eyes of all around us.

Such powerful emotions came over us

As Les Misérables came to an end.

But here it was again,

The show was on television.

I sat on my own and watched it,

But I was not alone,

She was there.

My wife had returned to me,

Returned to me from her heaven.

The songs sought out my heart and mind.

I looked around the room and saw her,

Saw the photographs of my passed lover.

And the tears streamed again as I remembered,

Remembered that day she sang,

She sang that song at a concert.

Her voice filled the church

As she sang,

And once more her voice was there,

Singing that song,

Singing that song for me.


Time has moved on,

She was taken from me

But I have a new love,

A new love in my life,

But she will understand,

Understand that Joyce is here,

Still here for us both.

But that music took me back,

Back to a wondrous place,

Even if only for a moment,

A moment of wonder in my life.