
Sheep Security

Tune: Buckland

(\'Loving Shepherd of thy sheep\')

John 10 v.7-14


Jesus, the door of the sheep

He His flock He still does keep

All that came before Him thieves

And robbers with their deceives


But the sheep did not them hear

The true Shepherd did they fear

Worshipped Him in humbleness

He did guard, protect them, bless


Jesus the door, if we do

By Him enter sheepfold true

We shall be saved, and shall find

Pasture, for He good and kind


Thieves do come not but to steal

Kill and destroy with ill-will

But Jesus true Shepherd He

Comes that life my to us be


That we may have life to full

Abundant, embracing all

Of his blessings, favours, grace

Help in troubles we may face


He the good Shepherd who gives

His life for the sheep, each lives

But hirelings do  run away

When they see wolf come their way


For the hireling does not care

For the sheep, no welfare share

But good Shepherd knows His sheep

And they know Him, He them keeps