
Back in the Box

It simply sat on the chair’s back

Snickered it did, for it had a knack


It sat stolidly starring at us

Looking as if, “What’s all the fuss?”


I looked at you & you at me

We wondered how it ever got free


But I stared, knowing my fault

My words walked, and this the result


I opened the door and my heart revealed

And out it jumped, no longer concealed


Now, out of the womb and into the room

There it stood full in bloom


I had a plan, and told you so

You looked at me, as if to say, no


I made a start, sure it would work

But, my plan it saw, and moved with a jerk


I tried again but it only grew

Now much too large for me to pursue


I looked at the box and the love on the chair

I looked at you and could only stare.


I smiled and winked and threw the box away

And so, we decided, it could stay.