Michael J. Schaeffer

Decades Ago

Decades Ago


Where to Start? Where to Go? Your so Beautiful. You Truly are a Riddle. An a Enigma. This All Started Decades Ago. You were just a Peek in My Eye. Seeing You was Clear and Easy. But what a Impact and a Blow You Contain. The Fighter that You are. Your Dark Hair, Your Gorgeous Colored Eyes and that Sweet Voice. The Memories have Faded, but You Still have Me. The Movie Stars on the TV Screen Remind Me of You and Strong Guitar Riffs Remind Me of You too. Again Your Difficult to Figure Out. Your My Enigma in a Knot. Pleasant You are to Remember Though. And Lets Not Forget Romance Again. The Hair, the Eyes and Beautiful Voice. How is it Going to be Years from Now when God Sits Us Down and Allows Us to Speak and Express Our Lives on Earth. It will be All Me Mainly. Explaining how Bad One can Love Another. How is it Going to be My Gentle Sounding Love. My Romance. My Juliet. My Pleasant and Soft Cynthia. Thank You for Keeping Love in My Heart, Mind and Soul. Your a Form of Blood Pumping Through My Heart. Your the Form of Oxygen in My Lungs that My Brain Needs and Relies On. Its Crazy to Sit here and Think Back Decades Ago and the Memories that have Faded, but You are Still Superb and Breathtaking. Your Still so Elegant in My Heart You Love Child...
