Devine Theory

Devine Truth

I fear she has drifted

out of this galaxy...

and can no longer be defined

by the laws of my Universe.

Like fire

getting too close

Can get you hurt.

Watching her is poetry in motion

like desire

The devine truth at work.

I am forced to watch

her free spirit wander

growing restless in her storm

her winds appear stronger

The fear blows away

the loyalty

the honor....


so lets uncage the monster

rage, conquer

after all....

anger is fears armour

and im just a sheep

too meek for the slaughter.

No longer

atomically disected

savagely protected

mad but magically majestic

but in an instant she...

convinces me...

That I\'m the exception.

Blind but somehow

I seem to find my direction

solar systems collide

she belongs to noone

devine essence

heavens design

dime breathless

She looks at me

as if Im breakfast

I can\'t stop it now

nothing really matters

not the blessing

the lesson

the obsession

the questions

the stress

the pressure

her lack of effort

towards an active confession

without lashing out

in an act of aggression

dripping colorless toxicity

into my soul

I have long since

lost all control

end of session....


- Devine Theory