
Phoenix Falling

Phoenix Falling 

I am young, free

I leave school and get on my bike

To ride home in the rain

My jacket is wrapped around my backpack

Instead of me

To keep my books dry


I am quickly glad of that

As the magic of being

Together with the world in the rain

Takes me 

And the joy of not being lonely

Not being

Dry while the rest world is dripping

Steals my heart


And I reach the bridge

Riding over the river

And I lose my breath

As the pain of loss shatters me

And I fear

That this world will be history 

Before I am

This world 

In which a girl can bike home through the rain


And I feel like 

I am holding a baby bird in my hand

That fell from their nest

Letting their head rest on my chest

Knowing they will soon breath their final breath


And as I hold this moment in my hand

In my heart

And the beauty of the water and the sand

Tears me apart

And I can’t stand

My own cruelty

As I see that 

The nest didn’t just



I see in my minds eye

A stone 


At the the fragile bundle of twigs

I see it falling

And I hate

That in that moment I know

My hand was one of the many

That clutched that rock

And let it fly




We cannot leave this bird to die

And some people

Are rushing to their side


And perhaps

We can mend the bird’s wings

And make amends


And those of us

Who rush to the side of this baby bird

Can see

That this bird

Is 4 billion years old

A phoenix

This frail thing

Was once great and strong

And could be once again


And this bird loved us

They still do

And they gave us the world

Back when their plumage was all green and gold

The phoenix gave us food


A place to stay


The plant and animal teachers

And each night 

We would fall asleep

Wrapped with earth toned feathers


And this

This we threw away

With that stone

Struck it down

Left it lying bloodied on the ground


When this bird was still pure and new

Despite being old

In the moment when they were vulnerable

We threw a stone

At their home

And left them lying

All alone



What if we can open our arms

And just 

Hold on

And let the earth 


Rest their head on our chest


And we can cry

For what we’ve lost

Tears of pain and guilt

And then we can rebuild

Our relationship with the world

And each other


And we could be too late

But in that case

Let us hold this fragile world together

As the phoenix breaths

What could be the final breath

Of something beautiful


And we can hope

We can do everything we can

So that our children can ride home

Through the rain