Unbreacable Amity

A bond that comes in every shape; our friendship

is like a lake. Bad memories that were living dead,

And our fond memories is the world\'s thread


 A dreadful air whispered to me. It said,

\"Destinies aren\'t fantasies,\" But I say, \"Sun will collapse,

stars will kiss, but our amity will come back in one piece 


A blooming time it is

\'Tis life is the season of bliss Every hour is always fresh Every moment we\'ll cherish


We can argue in words You can put me in under the bush,

And I can leave you in a rush, But we\'ll be back together in each other\'s arms


We\'ll keep this friendship until 60,

And we can prove that this isn\'t fictionality With you,

I am in felicity Cause we have unbreakable amity.