
Are you strong??

If you ask me if I am strong

I will say I am not

if you ask me if I cry

I would say every day

If you ask me if I love

I would say with all my heart

if you ask me if I suffer

I would say yes, every day

If you ask me if I have strength

I would say I am learning to

If you ask me if I can break

I would say, I am starting to realize

That the only one that can break me, is me

The only one that can allow anyone else to break me is me,

So, if you ask me again if I am strong then I, answer yes,

I cannot allow anybody to break me,

I cannot allow anybody else to make me suffer

And I am for sure not going to allow anybody else to step all over me again,

So, if you ask me if I am strong, I will answer yes,

I was able to bore 6 children and raise them the best I could,

If I was able to be strong for that then I can do anything,

So, if you ask me again, If I am strong my answer is HELL YES