
I’ll be your little warrior

I’ll be your little warrior beloved Ukraine, I’ll fight for you.
When your days are filled with the terror from above
And your nights are riddled with the fowler’s snare,
I’ll stand vigilant at my window, my rifle in my hand
To defend you.
In my hair, a blue & yellow ribbon, colors of my country,
In my heart, I bear the bold courage to fight for you.
I’ll be your little warrior beloved Ukraine, I’ll fight for you.
With every inch of my little body, I’m determined to fight for you
When the enemy comes like a flood wanting to drown you.

Their blood-colored eyes, monsters like vultures bend on
Devouring the bodies of my people. I’m here with rifle in hand,
I’ll be your little warrior beloved Ukraine, I’ll fight for you.
Their gladiator’s face don’t scare me, I stand ready unafraid
Let me remind you of the Motherland Calls to fight for the land.

When the enemy makes its cowardly deeds and your legs flutter
With fear like a tree, amidst the chaos, and lurking shadows of death,
I’ll be your little warrior beloved Ukraine, I’ll fight for you.
Come let’s take back our cities, this warrior heart of mine
Is ready to fight. We’ll wash the mud from our faces,
Clean our tired feet and step off to the path of victory. Drive out
The scourge and purge the plague that has stained our country,
Cut the defiled hands that pollute the chastity of our dignity
And bring honor to our right to be a free country.
I’ll be your little warrior beloved Ukraine, I’ll fight for you.