Bella Shepard



Alzheimers, you insidious beast,

You come upon our brains to feast

You thief of life that leaves a shell

And commits us to a living hell


You rob us of the joys of life

You pin us down and wield your knife

You cause such pain with no remorse

You slash and burn a brutal course


A sentence passed without reprieve

There is no hope to be perceived

You creep in shadows to rob the soul

Of all that once we would dearly hold


A family sits and holds the hand

Of one they love who cannot stand

Or use a simple fork or spoon

Who’s been taken from them all too soon


They feel the pain of helplessness

In the face of your relentlessness

And watch as day by day you quell

The mind of one they knew so well


And so we go from day to day

Living life in our usual way

What can we do, what can we say

To make this horror just go away


Unfortunately it is here to stay

Until medical science finds the way

To prevent it, stop it, keep it at bay

We hope and we pray for that wonderful day