

i fucking hate poems 

with their readers and writers 

all pompous and self entitled 

all autobiographically written, thousand pages thick

all over important and rhymey and slick

all these collegiate cock suckers holding their dick 

it struck me, to stroke your ego is just to milk your prick 

and writing poems oh shit… doesn’t that hit your spot 

you writer, you rambler, you thinker, you thought 

well i thought today too… 

that i fucking hate every poem i view

all rhythmic and worthless

all gimmicks and surface

all mystic in service 

of a specific lack of purpose

it honestly makes me nervous watching someone read

something they made as they stand up and speak 

or god forbid some kid in their bedroom

thinking that their ramblings are worth recording even! 

do you fucking hear yourself? 

do you see any fucking reason? 

you absurd little scrambled shit for brains 

you heard official recordings and how it portrays

a voice of an angel but you’re never able to reach a christly cloudy white pearly heaven

expression is a transgression the obsession 

with one\'s own self, it can lead to depression

so this self absorption i see in poems

it makes me want to bottle up all my emotions 

it makes me want to unlearn all of my language

little words that hurt us and being about anguish 

are all i think we need, i think, grunts are multipurpose! 

so why do we need this poetry? IT\'S WORTHLESS! 

the earth must burn up one day 

why spend time frivolously

writing words to not be heard 

i fucking hate poetry!