
Spring (vernal) equinox arrives March 20th, 2022

at 11:33 AM in Northern Hemisphere

though meteorological conditions, I swear

in summer re: temperatures already mild

enough to go outside in your underwear
unless an ordinance would find you
slammed in the clinker for at least a year.

No burlesque across the globe

upstages mother nature\'s emergent style

soundlessly donning and trumpeting

resplendent metaphorical pregnant Gaia,

whose all encompassing bulging robe

magnificently, albeit modestly evinces

matronly dame parading and sauntering,

she intimates readiness to give birth

regarding multitudinous flora and fauna,

whereby swath groundswell of color

and panoply of sound bursts forth.


A symphony with terrestrial

ecological community,

which life forms abound

via natural laboratory qua nature,

especially at seasonal dawn of spring tide,

where multifarious existence can be found

carving out a figurative zoological niche

in a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds galore

idyllic melodic musical sound

artist palette of rainbow blended sights

assuage auditory and

visual sense pleasures respectively.


No gofundme donation required-

unless ye clamor to proffer expense

toward fame and fortune

concerning one garden variety

long haired pencil necked geek

to regale sensational experience,

but before further lines get read

please be mindful

to take lock, stock, and barrel

of mine existential sponsor,

thus a brief plugged statement to
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Now back to regularly scheduled program

trying to entrance ye dear reader

incorporating titanic and tectonic processes,

(albeit all natural wonders)

constituting eight ways
to build strong bodies

bred courtesy punctuated equilibrium

nudging advantages to outvie

one living thing

versus another organism.


Winter of our (collective) discontent

alleviated courtesy pagan earth goddesses

prestidigitation delivering cathartic holistic

and poetic botanical balms,

which salve (age long in the tooth)

psychological wounds.


Show stopping stunning performance

stills lovers embrace

long anticipating nonpareil experience,

nevertheless straining credulity

of visual and aural senses,

where collective awed pinterests

silences onlookers evoking

masterpiece rendered still life

among webbed plant and animal species.