
The Ballad of Highgate Wood

The Ballad Of Highgate Wood
In Highgate Wood
In Highgate Wood

Where the community means
People who live in the same locality
And open space means
Any area of land described in the schedule hereto

The context otherwise requires
And the playground means
The playground

I would if I could
I would if I could

Brawl and fight or cause a disorder
Behave to the annoyance of persons
Use profane indecent and offensive language
Discharge a firearm air gun or air pistol
Use a catapult cross bow or golf club to project a missile
Set fire to a growing substance
Set fire to a non - growing substance
Place throw leave or light a firework (or match) to the danger of any
building shrub tree or
Land a helicopter or light aircraft when there is no emergency
Walk run stand sit or lie on any grass turf or other place where there
exists a notice to keep off such grass turf or other place unless such
a notice applies to more than 1/5 of the open space
Erect a post rail fence pole tent stand or building without permission to
erect a post rail fence pole tent stand or building
To beat shake sweep brush or clean rugs carpets mats and druggets
(Especially druggets)
Hang or spread linen for dyeing or bleaching on bushes and trees
Bring into the open space a barrow truck bicycle tricycle or motor cycle
Bring in greyhounds whippets or cross breeds therefrom
Race and train dogs or assorted other animals
Bring in cattle sheep goats pigs beasts of draft or burden

If only I could
If only I could
In Highgate Wood
In Highgate Wood - by which is meant those pieces of land described in the
first part of the schedule to the Highgate Woods and Kilburn open spaces act
1886 and delineated and coloured green on the plan referred to in section 2
of the act dated this 10th day of May 1985

But even if I fail
I needs must try
Though every little pleasure is forbidden

And even if I cannot
Race or train my crossbreed
Whose father was a whippet
Whose mother was a greyhound
And God\'s not in his heaven
And all descends in chaos
One thing I know for certain
The playground means
The playground