
My salt within

The taste of salt 

isn\'t sweet like sugar 

but is essential to keep

our brain function well.


Though not so good,

a pinch of salt works miracle

as it makes our food 

taste like the heaven on earth.


Every soul on earth is the salt 

vital for the family it belongs; 

others might not know it at all 

but your value never go.



For the salt of the sea 

still remains the taste of the house 

that no one can sprinkle 

but you who\'s the salt of the house.


Know who you are 

as you climb the web of your house 

becoming the salt you are 

essential yet very simple. 


So, do you still feel

you\'re worthless and neglected 

if yes.......

search the salt within yourself 


But don\'t give up 

because you\'re simple 

to be ample 

without demanding attention.


© bellflower
